Thursday, January 19, 2006

To Clarify my point...

Ironically, I have just proved that I am a bit clueless and behind on this whole blog thing . I just tried to set up and edit my profile, and then somehow created a totally new blog, which I then tried to cancel, but apparently that isn't actually possible (to cancel an account, not the blog....I have NO idea how I actually started an entirely new account). Well finally, 38 minutes of work time, and 2 doublestuff oreo cookies later (ok...3) I am here creating a new POST - apparently that was the source of my problems.

OK - I have an item to bring into this abyss for a discussion today...not that anyone is actually READING this - but whatever...

1 - This face Transplant woman, and the fact that she is an idiot - and maybe they should have put here ASS SKIN on her face, rather than performing a surgery that brings up many moral and ethical debates as to when medical science has gone to least if they used skin from her ASS you'd know RIGHT AWAY how frekin STUPID SHE IS....
Here is the story I am talking about - so that you perhaps understand my rage...
So this woman tried to kill herself and had her face ripped off by her dog when he was trying to wake her up. For 6 months (or longer???) she walks around w/ no nose, no lips, no chin, etc...They do this face transplant on her...its experimental...its an 'organ' transplant since skin is an organ. Now for the rest of her life she is going to be on antirejection medicine...she has a new chance at life...she can walk around w/o a mask, BLAH BLAH BLAH...Now when you have any facial surgery, maybe even all upper body surgeries, you are NOT TO SMOKE!!! It makes scarring worse, It effects the overall healing process.
This woman gets her new lips and what does she do....the FIRST THING mentioned isn't what she was happy she could eat...or do...ITS THAT SHE IS USING HER NEW LIPS TO SMOKE...LADY...its been like 6 months since you've been able to have any cigarettes...JUST QUIT!!!
ITs so sad really, that she is so ungrateful that she is risking this 2nd chance at life (well 3rd if you ask me, the 2nd chance was that she didn't die) that she has been given all for such a gross, expensive and unnecessary habit (addiction if you would like to say, but it had been so long since she smoked she was no longer physically addicted). It is such a huge accomplishment that this procedure was possible. It has the potential, if it remains successful, to help countless people either born with deformities or hurt in acts of violence or random accidents. It has sparked a heated debate as to identity, and whether this procedure is taking science too far. Her face could reject itself now and have to be re-removed all because she is an idiot.

And they say Americans are dumb...

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